
Thursday, December 6, 2012

LOTF Chapters 9 and 10

            In chapter 9, there was a very sad event. It was dark and the boys were having there feast when Simon staggered out of the woods. He was trying to tell them that the beast was just a dead body, but he was stabbed and killed by the group. It was unclear who exactly killed him or did the most damage to him. These boys have officially gone insane. I guess this somehow ties in with Jesus being killed.
            In chaoter 10, I niiticed tyhat Ralph forgot why the fire was important multiple times. Piggy had to keep reminding him that it was to put off smoke so that a boat could see them if they passed by the island. Also, three people from Jack's group, I think it was Jack, Maurice, and Roger, attacked Ralph's group in the night. They got into a brawl in the shelter, and Jack's group ended up stealing Piggy's glasses. Now Piggy can't see, and they can't keep their fire going. I wonder if Ralph and his group will try to get them back.

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