
Monday, October 15, 2012

First Qarter Participation Evaluation

            Overall, I think my particapation was pretty good this quarter. I took all the notes that we were supposed to take and made some comments about the short stories when we discussed them in class. I don't remember a time coming to class without something I needed. However, I do feel that i could have improved in some areas. For about a week, I din't have a free reading book. I had finished my last one and just never got around to getting a new one. Also, all my free reading times added up to either the bare minimum, 150 minutes, or only a little bit above that. For the next quarter, I should read more each week and do more than the minimum.
            For the next quarter, I am going to try to do more than the bare minimum in most of the assignments that I will have. I will put more detail in my writing. Also, I need to always remember to study for vocabulary quizzes because I forgot to learn the words a couple of times. I don't want to loose points on small assignments like that. Hopefully, I can do even better in all of these areas next quarter.

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