
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Reading Times and Research Update

Point Blank by Anthony Horowitz:
1/15    p. 73-78    10 min
1/16    p. 78-84    10 min
1/17    p. 84-96    25 min
1/20    p. 96-102    10 min

Research Time:
1/16    1 annotated bibliography    25 min
1/17    4 annotated bibliographies    75 min

Total Time: 155 min

            I have found ten sources for my topic so far. Most of them are useful to me in some way. Some contain modern information, while others contain historical information. This is useful for making comparisons and how shotgun shells have changed since they were invented, which is the focus of my topic.
            I have not had much success at all with the databases. I only could find a couple of useful sources using the online databases. I am confident that my sources are reliable because the information is consistent between them.


  1. Hmmm....I'd like to know more about specifically what you've found and where. Make sure you don't end up with just websites.

  2. Bennet your topic sounds interesting. Have you found a primary source yet.

  3. This seems like it will be very challenging for you to do. I wanted to do things like this but I could never find any research on it.
