
Monday, February 18, 2013

Nervous Conditions: Chapter 2

            There was a strange jump back in time from the end of Chapter One to the beginning of Chapter Two. Chapter Two basically started where Chapter One had started: talking about her brother, Nhamo, and how he went to school. However, the difference that I found between Chapter One and Chapter Two was the detail. Chapter Two definitely went into more detail of specific events that happened and the thoughts of the narrator. An examples of these details would be how it told that the narrator really wanted to go to school when she was little and tried to earn the money for it herself by growing her own maize and trying to sell it.
            After reading this chapter, I found out more about the narrator than in Chapter One. One thing I found is that she does not get much support from her parents or siblings. The only person that seemed to support her or even respect her was Mr. Matimba when he tried to help the narrator sell her maize so she could get some money for school fees. Her parents just laughed at her when she told them that she wanted to try to earn her own money for school. It seems to me that the narrator was living a pretty tough life at this time.    

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