
Monday, September 24, 2012

Good Time of Year

            There are two things that I get excited about when the weather starts to get cooler: football season and duck hunting. Once the temperature starts to get below the 90s, you know the time for these to things is just around the corner. I am even more excited about duck hunting season than usaul because we might be getting a great new lease to hunt on for this year. My dad, little brother, and I may have to build our own blind for the lease. I think that would be very fun.
            I have been duck hunting with my dad since I was a little kid. It is my favorite thing to do with him. He gave me my first shotgun when I was six, and I shot my first duck when I was seven. Duck hunting got even more fun when my brother got old enough to come with us. In the duck blind, it feels like you have no other worries at all and you can just forget about everything for a while. It is such a great activity to do with your family in my opinion, and the duck meat tastes great, too.

Readiing Response

Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow:
9/19    pp. 253-257    5 min

Hero by Mike Lupica
9/20    pp. 1-55    60 min
9/21    pp. 55-109    55 min
9/23    pp. 109-132    25 min

Worked on literacy narrative for 15 minutes outside of class

Total Time: 160 min

            The new book that I am reading is Hero by Mike Lupica. It is an easy and interesting read about a boy named Zach whose father dies in a plane crash on a mission for the president. Zach is trying to find out more about is dad's mission and exactly how the plane crashed. The author uses a simple style in the book and it is easy to understand.
            I read this book because someone recommended it to me and it sounded interesting. I also didn't feel like starting a long and complex book so I chose a pretty short and simple one. I really like this book so far and I am glad I chose to read it.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Literacy Narrative

            I am writing my literacy narrative on a book I read last year, Coming Back Stronger by Drew Brees. I am going to write about my experience reading this book because it is a book that I can relate to personally. I can relate to it because I was born in New Orleans and moved to Baton Rouge because Hurricane Katrina flooded our house in New Orleans, and this is the period of time that this book takes place. Brees talks about Katrina and how it affected the city so much. I have also always been a big Saints fan, and Brees has always been my favorite player in the league.
            I am not really sure exactly how I am going to organize it yet. I also think it might be difficult to make it two full pages, but I think I will be able to. Once I start the paper, I will probably be able to keep expanding on specific points and make a god paper out of it.

Reading Response

Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow

9/10    pp.196-209    25 min
9/11    pp. 209-213    10 min
9/12    pp. 213-2226   35 min
9/13    pp. 226-238    30 min
9/16    pp. 238-253    30 min

Norton literacy narritives

9/10   20 min

Total Time: 150 minutes

            I am pretty much finished with the book now except for the epilogue. This past week, I have read about Tebow going into the NFL and being selected by the Denver Broncos. He only started a few of the games he played. This is understandable because it was his first year. Tebow talked about how different playing in the NFL was than playing in college games. I thought it was funny that he said that his first year as a Bronco was his first time to ever play on a team with a loosing record in a season. This shows how much of a winner he has always been.
            I got this book expecting it to be basically all about football, but it definitely was not. I thought Tebow balanced the book very well with content about interesting things about him and his life story as well as his football career. I liked the style of his writing and how it felt like he was having a conversation with the reader rather than just writing. I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys football or wants to know more about Tim Tebow.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Response Post

           Most comments I have received from other students have been agreeing with my post. This helps me see that I am not the only one who thinks like I do. I am glad that many other students agree with my ideas and posts.
          I agree with Dr. D that I should be expanding more in my posts and adding more detail. This means that I have to start thinking more deeply about my posts and putting more detailed thoughts into them. I think these will make my posts more interesting and will be more well written.

3rd Reading Response

Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow
9/5    pp. 109-116    10 min
9/6    pp. 116-127    20 min
9/9    p. 127-196    120 min
Total: 150 min

            This book has gotten much better throughout the time that I have continued reading. In the part that I am currently in, it is Tebow's sophomore season, his first starting season as a Gator. He explains every game in great detail in terms of scoring, specific plays, and certain favorite moments of his. This kind of detail makes it fun to read for me because I almost feel like I am watching the game on television or listening to it on the radio.
            Prior to reading this book, I was not a big Tebow fan. I didn't dislike him, but didn't like him in particular, either. As I have read this book, I have found out what kind of person Tebow really is, not just on the foobtall field, but in everyday life. He often explains how he puts all of his effort into everything he does. This book is turning out to be a great book for me and has changed the way I look at Tim Tebow.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Week Off

            The first day of our week off of school, I was throwing a ball in my backyard with some friends. There is a wall of windows looking into the backyard from my house, so my dad said, "you can throw the ball, just don't throw it toward the windows." "Okay," we said. We didn't throw it toward the windows for a while, until I forgot about what my dad had said and hummed the ball at my friend standing by the window.
            Right when I let go, I realized I shouldn't have done it. I watched the ball sail at the windows, praying they wouldn't shatter. Just as the ball was about to hit the window, I closed my eyes and hoped it would be okay. To my relief and surprise, the window stayed intact. It would have been a bad time to break a window, right before a hurricane hit.

2nd Reading Response

8/30 - pp. 66-77 - 30 minutes        
9/2 - pp. 77-91 - 60 minutes
9/3 - pp. 91-109 - 60 minutes

            In the book that I am reading, Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow, I am starting to find out more about him personally and what he is like. As he explains his thoughts and the way he looks at things throughout the book, I understand him and his life more and more. His story is getting better as I get farther into the book. The most interesting part so far was him explaining how hard it was to choose between going to Florida or Alabama to play football. He explained his emotions in a lot of detail.
            I am still suprised at how little dialogue he uses in the book. I think it would make it more interesting to read than just paragraph after paragraph of just words of thought and no communication. Other than that, I think it is a great book.