
Monday, September 10, 2012

3rd Reading Response

Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow
9/5    pp. 109-116    10 min
9/6    pp. 116-127    20 min
9/9    p. 127-196    120 min
Total: 150 min

            This book has gotten much better throughout the time that I have continued reading. In the part that I am currently in, it is Tebow's sophomore season, his first starting season as a Gator. He explains every game in great detail in terms of scoring, specific plays, and certain favorite moments of his. This kind of detail makes it fun to read for me because I almost feel like I am watching the game on television or listening to it on the radio.
            Prior to reading this book, I was not a big Tebow fan. I didn't dislike him, but didn't like him in particular, either. As I have read this book, I have found out what kind of person Tebow really is, not just on the foobtall field, but in everyday life. He often explains how he puts all of his effort into everything he does. This book is turning out to be a great book for me and has changed the way I look at Tim Tebow.

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