
Monday, March 25, 2013

Jane Goodall's New Book

            In my opinion, what Jane Goodall did in writing her paper was pretty serious. She pretty much copied information almost word for word into her book. Not only that, but she didn't even give proper citations to the sources where she got the information. She at least gave a list of where she got some of the information at the end, but she should have included more citations. Also, it mentions that she used Wikipedia, which sometimes isn't very reliable.
            To fix the problem in Jane Goodall's book, they should go back through to where they used other sources and put quotes around the words from the souce and a direct citation in the text. Another option would be to go back and paraphrase the information, but still add a direct citation in the text. Also, at the end of the book, they should have a clear and correctly formatted works cited list, with all the information from the sources that is necessary. After they have done all of this, I think their book would be in good shape. It would not be considered plagerism if credit is given when needed.

1 comment:

  1. Good post Bennett! You listed many ways that they could have avoided the problem, and also fix it. I hope that they take care of this problem quickly.
